Ben Sandilands : Crikey : A Cocky Writer, Plagiarist, Venomous, Sarcastic, Hardly A Journalist

By January 4, 2012 Crikey

Crikey, Private Media Partners

Ben Sandilands, Crikey, Private Media Partners

Ben Sandilands, Journalist

Crikey, Private Media Partners (Owner: Eric Beecher), Dec 29, 2011

We welcome the new Year with superb nominations for Australia’s Worst Journalist, and the worst publisher.

Ben Sandilands excels as one of the most deserving nominees.  He falsely claims to be an expert in Aviation, but it is truly limited to the principle of rocket science.  Hot air – blown through his rear with faecal matter, which then forms the basis of Crikey the most sarcastic i-net publication which has no integrity, respect for the truth and is without credit seeing its sole purpose is to denigrate individuals regardless of the blatant falsities.

Sandilands, a cocky writer – one could hardly call him a journalist – both in articles and blogs reveals him to be on an unethical and immoral bent in all his miscommunications as a result.  There is no doubt that he fails to get a job with any creditable organisation.

He is highly likely to lead the vote as Australia’s Worst Journalist 2011 for the year, as his lies, falsity by omission and commission, makes him a stand out.  Sandilands, stop the crap you write, pretending its not pure plagiarism, coloured by your own sarcastic, unethical, incompetent and unprincipled style.
You are that excuse for a newsletter – Crikey – where you show vitriol, venom, no respect for trust and fabricate whatever you perceive may gain ill-deserved publicity.
Ben Sandilands – Australia’s Worst Journalist
Crikey – Australia’s Worst Publication

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